A set of 3 integers (4 for hexagonal) that designate
crystallographic planes, as determined from reciprocals of
fractional axial intercepts.
Millions of Instructions per Second -- a measure of computing
Mobility (electron, and hole)
the proportionality constant between the carrier drift velocity
and applied electric field.
Modulus of elasticity (E)
The ratio of stress to strain when deformation is totally
elastic. Also the Young's modulus.
The molality or molal concentration (symbol m) is the amount of
substance per unit mass of solvent or mol kg-1.
Concentration in a liquid solution (symbol c), in terms of the
number of moles of a solute dissolved in 106
mm3 (103 cm3) of solution
in mol l-1.
Molding (plastics)
Shaping a plastic material by forcing it, under pressure at a high
temperature, into a mold cavity.
Monoclonal antibodies
Produced by injecting animals to elicit a response from
lymphocytes to produce antibodies. Lymphocytes which produce
antibodies with strong binding capability can be isolated and used
to produce only one kind of antibody (monoclonal) on a permanent
basis once the lymphocytes are immortalized. This is accomplished
by fusing them (combining them genetically) with cancer cells
which have the distinction of living indefinitely in a
culture. Monoclonal antibodies can be produced repeatedly and
collected for use in immunodetection.
Moore's law
after Gordon Moore:"The number of transistors per computer chip
will double roughly every two years".
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor -- device where
gate electrode potential controls current flow