The exactness with which a measuring instrument repeats
indications when it measures the same property under the same
Residual stress
A persisting stress in a material free of external forces or
temperature gradients.
Resistance [Ω-ohm]
Characteristic of a resistor: in a 1-ohm resistance a current of 1
A produces a voltage drop of 1 V.
Resistivity (ρ)
The reciprocal of electrical conductivity, and a measure of a
material's resistance to passing electric current.
Energy dissipative element consisting of a poor conductor in
series with connecting wires.
The smallest measurable change in input that will produce a small
but noticeable change in the output. In the context of chemical
separations, defines the completeness of separation.
Resonant frequency
The frequency at which a moving member or a circuit has a maximum
output for a given input.
Response time
The time it takes for the sensor's output to reach its final
value. A measure of how quickly the sensor will respond to
changes in the environment. In general, this parameter is a
measure of the speed of the sensor and must be compared with the
speed of the process.
Reverse bias
The insulating bias for a p-n junction rectifier; electrons flow
into the p side of the junction.
Radio Frequency -- refers to alternating voltages and currents
having frequencies between 9 kHz and 3 MHz.