Complementary metal oxide semiconductor - integrated circuit
containing n-channel and p-channel MOSFETs.
Organic bases in sets of three that form the genetic code.
Material such as the metals copper or aluminum that conducts
electricity via the motion of electrons.
A polymer that consists of two or more dissimilar monomer units in
combination in its molecular chains. Also a polymer formed from
the polymerization of more than one type of monomer.
Deteriorative loss of a metal as a result of dissolution
environmental reactions.
Coulomb [C]
Measure of electrical charge: 1 C is an amount of charge equal to
that of about 6.24x1018 electrons.
Covalent bond
A primary interatomic bond that is formed by the sharing of
electrons between neighboring atoms.
The time-dependent permanent deformation that occurs under stress;
for most materials it is important only at elevated temperatures.
The influence of one measurand on the sensitivity of a sensor,
another measurand.
Crosslinked polymer
A polymer in which adjacent linear molecular chains are joined at
various positions by covalent bonds.