Is there any way I can deposit gold onto pyrex wafer
Gautham V
Hi Paik,
I used sputter process on Pyrex for my evaluations. Direct gold has good
initial adhesion. Once you try to increase the thickness it results in poor
adhesion. You need to do a lot of surface treatment on the Pyrex to get a
good adhesion. Try a layer of Ti (1000A) and then gold. This will help.
Platinum sputter target exists. Price depends on the target size. Check with
BPS and other material suppliers.
Regards Gautham. V
----- Original Message -----
From: "sokwon Paik"
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 12:37 AM
Subject: [mems-talk] Is there any way I can deposit gold onto pyrex wafer
> I'm a student of Texas A&M University.
> As far as I know, gold doesn't attach to pyrex glass
> directly. But I think if I use sputtering machine then
> it might be possible.
> Anybody tried to attach gold directly onto pyrex
> wafer?
> One more question. Is there platinum sputtering source
> exist?
> If so, how much is it? Please answer me the question.
> I appreciate your any reply.
> Thanks,
> sokwon Paik
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