Transene makes several etchants for gold; TFA and GE 8110. These are based
on iodine and potassium iodide, though I don't know the proportions.
In my experience, these etchants will not attack chromiun.
Roger Shile
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sang Hwui Lee"
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:46 AM
Subject: [mems-talk] Au etchant
> Hello,
> Does anyone know the recipe of Au etchant or the product name for Au
> etchant? I have Au/Cr deposited pyrex glass wafer. now I don't have Au
> etchant. Au etchant should not attack Cr layer or interface of Cr/glass
> since Au/Cr would be window for glass isotropic etching in BOE.
> thanks,
> SangHwui Lee
> Ph.D candidate/MSE/NJIT
> Microelectronics Research Center(MRC)
> 973-596-6368(O)
> 201-242-1486(H)
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