Due to its high thermal expansion coefficient, metal is definitely a
good choice for thermal actuators. MEMSCAP has a new multi-user
fabrication process called MetalMUMPs that uses nickel as the structural
layer. This process was developed by Cronos (acquired by MEMSCAP from
JDS Uniphase) for use in fabricating microrelays using thermal
actuation. It facilitates both direct heating and indirect heating
(using polysilicon resistors) of the nickel. For more information on
this process please check out the website:
Stafford Johnson
-----Original Message-----
From: HE,Han-Johnny [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 10:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] Materail for Thermal laternal actuator
Hi, all,
Just wondering why people prefer using poly-si instead of other mat.
such as metal for typical thermal lateral actuator?
Johnny H.HE, Ph.D. Candidate
Division of Electrical Engineering, Engineering
Department,Cambridge University,CB2 1PZ, UK
or Downing College, Cambridge, CB2 1DQ ,UK
Email: [email protected]
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