Photoresist does not stick to gold, and it is even worse in a cyanide bath,
I usually use a layer of TiW on the gold. PR sticks to TiW. So I would do a
hardbake of the resist ( 110c on a hotplate) then go into 100% H2O2 to
remove the TiW (300 A Thick) should take around 2-3 minutes. Then into the
gold bath a quick as possible.
----- Original Message -----
From: "krishna"
To: "General MEMS discussion"
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 10:09 PM
Subject: [mems-talk] Photoresist for AU plating
> Hi all,
> I was doing gold electroplating using cynide bath.I
> was doing plating on Si wafer sputtered with gold
> later covered with photoresist ,exposed and developed
> and hardbaked.
> after doing the above i have tried AU electroplating.I
> was going for very low current densities and very low
> temperature and with optimum PH after very less time i
> could obsevere the plating of gold but the Photoresist
> is disturbed and the pattern was disturbed.
> Can i find any ways to improve adhesion of photoresist
> on AU surface.
> Ur suggestions are highly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Kris
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