Please, this is not a request for quotes. Consider it more a request for
I am looking for mask aligner with double-sided exposure capability and
alignment resolution of not more than 1 micron. No IR type, please.
Fixtures in the aligner must be able to handle square pieces as small as 1
cm x 1 cm, without compromising alignment resolution, to a maximum wafer
size of six inches. Also fixtures to handle mask sizes from 3 in x 3 in to
7 in x 7 in. UV wavelength from 235 nm to 450 nm, with selective tuning at
275 nm, I-line (365.48 nm), H-line (404.65 nm), G-line (435.8 nm) Excellent
depth of field and focus. Contact and non-contact, including vacuum contact.
Dual Use (as bond aligner) will be a big advantage, but not necessary.
Delivery: If awarded, must be FOB ON September 20, 2003. Penalty for
non-FOB on September 20: Refund all advance fee paid and contract terminated.
I will also encourage readers' to send me in private their recommendations
on based on their experiences on equipment of similar function and quality
of technical assistance from vendors.
Robert S. Okojie, Ph.D.
NASA-Glenn Research Center
Sensors and Electronics Branch
21000 Brookpark Road, M/S 77-1
Cleveland, OH 44135.
Ph: 216/433-6522; Fax: 216/433-8643
e-mail: [email protected]