Check out the Twente group at:
Some useful references are:
H.V. Jansen, M.J. de Boer, M.C. Elwenspoek
The black silicon method V: a study of the fabrication of movable
structures for micromechanical systems. Proc. Eigth Int. Conf. Solid
State Sens. Act. Transducers '95 and Eurosensors IX, (1995),
H.V. Jansen, M.J. de Boer, M.C. Elwenspoek
The black silicon method IV: The fabrication of three dimensional
structures in silicon with high aspect ratios for scanning probe
microscopy and other applications. Proc. IEEE Micro Elec. Mech. Sys.
1995, A'dam, Netherlands, (1995), pp88-93.
H.V. Jansen, M.J. de Boer, J. Burger, R. Legtenberg, M.C. Elwenspoek
The black silicon method II: The effect of mask material and loading
on the reactive ion etching of deep silicon trenches. Microelec.
Engineering 27, (1995), pp475-480.
H.V. Jansen, M.J. de Boer, R. Legtenberg, M.C. Elwenspoek
The black silicon method: a universal method for determining the
parameter setting of a fluorine based reactive ion etcher in deep
silicon trench etching with profile control. Journal of Micomech.
Microeng. 5 (1995), pp. 115-120.
>Dear members,
> Does anyone have background information of how black silicon can
>be formed in RIE system? In my case, see black silicon on silicon wafer
>after long (more than 10mins) CF4/H2 plasma exposure. The surface is also
>powdery with this black stuff. If you know anything about it or any good
>reference paper, would you please let me know? Thanks a lot.
>Yours sincerely,
>Isaac Chan
>Ph.D. Candidate
>Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering
>University of Waterloo
>200 University Ave. W
>Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
>N2L 3G1
>Tel: (519) 729-6409, ext. 6014
>Fax: (519) 746-6321
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