Dear MEMS-talk,
A colleague at NPL suggested that I let this forum know about this
upcoming event at NPL in Teddington, UK.
Title: Introduction and Overview of MST, MEMS, MOEMS and NANOTECHNOLOGY
Speaker: Dr Ken Gilleo
The workshop begins with an overview, definitions and examples of
NANOTECHNOLOGY and describes how this well-funded, rapidly expanding
field is related and useful to the microtechnology areas that are
discussed as the main topic. We next study the essentials of MST
(Micro-Structure Technology), Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
and Optical-MEMS, or MOEMS. These four closely related topics are
compared, but also contrasted. Future MEMS devices will become NEMS
(Nano) but can use Nanomaterials today.
For more details you can go to:
Kind Regards,
Alan Brewin
National Physical Laboratory - Materials Centre
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