Nichrome (nickel chrome, 80/20) alloy fits most of your requirements. It has
high resistivity (~100 uOhm*cm), a modulus of ~200 Gpa, yield strength ~450
Mpa, and a CTE of ~15e-6/C. Deposition is usually performed via e-beam
evaporation or sputtering which are relatively low temp (<600C). There are
likely other choices as well. Good luck.
-Jonathan Engel
>----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: General MEMS discussion
>To: MEMS Talk
>Subject: [mems-talk] MEMS Material !!
>I am looking for a material for MEMS Actuators .
>I need a high eough resitivity material for Joul Heating purpose and a
resonable yiled strenth ( > 500 Mpa) .
>It's Young's modules *Coefficient of Thermal Expansion must be great than
polysilicon's. ( > 170Gpa*2.9e-6).
>Last of all, the dopositing temperature has to be lower than 600 degree and
the thinnest layer need to be deposited would be 500nm.
>Are there any thin film materials like this???
>Thanks in Advance!!
>Kevin YU