Could it be done by measuring the change in mass before and after
You would need careful handling because of the small masses involved,
you would need to know (or have a good estimate) of the density of the
alloy (which may be difficult if it is not a dense coating), and you'd
need to know the area that is being plated.
If these criteria are met, the calculation is straightforward:
thickness = (change in mass)/density/area
For example, if the density of the alloy is 10g/cm3 and you measure a
difference in mass of 1mg, and you're plating over 1cm2, then 10
micrometres of metal has been plated.
Hope this helps.
On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 01:15 am, choe wrote:
> Dear All;
> I am trying to electroplate Nickel - Tungsten (Ni-W) alloy
> for making high aspect ratio structure.
> I want to measure the deposition rate of this alloy.
> but it takes so much time. I think there will be some great
> methods to measure the electroplating deposition rate.
> I am showing how I measure the deposition rate.
> 1. Preparing the wafer with photoresist patterning
> 2. Electroplating for 2 hours
> 3. Stop electroplating and measure the deposition height with a
> profiler
> 4. Calculate the deposition rate by dividing the deposition height
> with
> time
> Thanks. I will wait your advices.
Christopher F. Blanford
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1865 282603; Fax: +44 (0)1865 272690
PGP keyID: 8D830BC9