invitation to submit abstracts for ASME/JSME Conf.
Mark Tracey
Dear Colleagues,
Some of you will have received an earlier mailing concerning a call for
papers for the 8th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for
Fluids, Structures, and Fluid-structure Interactions, to be held as part of
the 2004 ASME / JSME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (July 25-29, San
Diego, California).
The committee is particularly anxious to allow delegates to explore the
possibilities of employing microtechnologies within their disciplines.
Several of you expressed concerns as to whether your research or technology
offering in Micromechanics & Microfluidics fitted well within the programme.
Upon reflection, we recognise that concern and accordingly would wish to
emphasise the committee's view that it takes a very broad interpretation of
the remit of the meeting in regard to microtechnologies. The broad objective
of the session will be to introduce experienced engineers and scientists to
these new technologies.
As such, the committee invites further abstracts, particularly those of a
topical review nature & will informally extend the closing date until:
Tuesday October 14h.
In order to ease time pressures.
Abstracts should be addressed to:
Prof. Erik Holdo,
CFD Research Group,
University of Hertfordshire, UK.
[email protected]