Hi Sharmita,
the issue is quite simple and there are many ways, how
to do it in Ansys. You simply create 2 areas, one
smaller (60 x 60) and one overlaping bigger. There is
a function of "overlap" or something like that in
"operate" menu. THat would create new area 100x 100 um
with cut of hole of 60 x 60 but that would be glued to
the internal square. After that you define a
multilayer under real constant and there would be
either two layer inside or two layers outside, choise
is yours. If you are interested, send me an email and
I will send you a script file. That is trivial.
[email protected]
From: "Sharmita Das"
Subject: [mems-talk] ansys
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 12:25:11 -0500
To: [email protected]
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HI all,
I am modeling a pressure sensor in Ansys. The
dimension of the membrane
100*100 micrometer. I have used shell 93 for meshing.
Now I need to
this membrane by adding a layer of another material in
an area of 60*60
micrometer on top. I have tried many Boolean
operations in Ansys but
unsuccessfully. Can somebody suggest a way of doing
Thanking you in anticipation
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