DRIE references, undercutting, overcutting and an
ti-footing control.
Jobert van Eisden
Hi Pancham,
I have used references from Herb Sawin from MIT who has studied DRIE and all
the metioned effects intensively.
Jobert van Eisden
SUNY Albany
-----Original Message-----
From: Pancham R. Patel
To: [email protected]
Sent: 11/6/2003 8:41 PM
Subject: [mems-talk] DRIE references, undercutting, overcutting and
anti-footing control.
Just looking for a good reference on DRIE.
Undercutting, overcutting and anti-footing control for
wet/dry etches.
Can somebody pl. give me a good reference (textbook or
a paper).
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