I am trying to create a microstructure on a polyimide foil with Dry Film Resist.
I am
using Sunfort AQ-5038 DFR from Asahi Kasei, and a 1,0 wt% sodium carbonate
solution as a developer.
The adhesion of the resist seems to be good after the exposure.
My problem is that after developing (puddling), the whole structure slides of
substrate during a rinse with DI-water. Developing takes also a lot of time ( 3
- 4
minutes). I also tried it on a copper surface, but had the same problems here.
I hope someone can give me advice.
M. de Haas
ing. M. de Haas
Trainee Kennis-Instituut
Hogeschool van Utrecht
Oudenoord 700
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)30 2388560
fax: +31 (0)30 2319270
gsm: +31 (0)6 24895822