We dilute SU-8-50 to achieve different thicknesses:
1 : 1 (vol) SU-8 : GBL results in 0.77 um @ 4000 rpm and 0,54 um @ 7000 rpm
1,5 : 1 results in 1 um @ 6000 rpm
Peter Svasek
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Industrial Electronics and
Material Science
Heiko Pruessner wrote:
>Hello everybody,
>for a 3 wafer project I have to make an SU-8 layer of less than 1um. I have
>Su-8-25 available with EPON/GBL 60%/40%. Spinning this 40sec at 6200rpm
>(this is maximum) leads to a 10um layer after PEB. Does any one knows how to
>thin and spin SU8-25 that a 1um layer can be done.
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