US4882245. FYI, Microlithography Chemicals commercialized SU-8.
Good Luck!
> ----------
> From: Ramadas, Padmaja[SMTP:[email protected]]
> Reply To: Ramadas, Padmaja
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 1997 4:48 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: IBM SU-8
> IBM has developed a polymer that can be spun upto 500um thick.
> This can be exposed under a regular ultraviolet light. They have a
> patent
> on it. Does anyone know the patent number or their WEB site so that I
> can
> take a look at it.
> Thank you,
> Padmaja
> ***************************************************************
> Padmaja Ramadas, Ph.D.
> e-mail: [email protected]
> Texas Instruments
> (972) 927-1108 (w)
> 13532 N. Central Expy., MS 77 Fax:(972)
> 995-3180
> Dallas, TX 75243
> ***************************************************************