Dear Niv,
Will Piranha(5H2So4+1H2O2) affect the negative photoresist and what
should be the etching time.
Hare Krishna
[email protected] wrote:
Do not know about gold etchant but you can certainly etch Ni using Piranha
(5H2So4+1H2O2). This is a self heating solution. Add H2O2 just before the
----- Original Message -----
From: hare krishna
Date: Friday, January 16, 2004 1:01 pm
Subject: [mems-talk] Etching Problem
> Dear All,
> I am a student of M.Tech in IIT Kanpur and i am working in the
> field of electronic materials.
> I have to etch gold and nickel, but the microetchant should not
> affect the negative photoresist (SC100).The film deposited is
> Silicon (substrate) / Nickel / Gold / photoresist(during
> pattering). I have used aquaregia (aquaregia:water :: 1:2 ) for 5
> min.,for the microetching of both nickel and gold but it stripped
> away the photoresist only.
> What should i do now.
> Thanking You
> Your's Sincerely
> Hare Krishna
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