Hi everyone!
We are doing two metallization layers to connect a matrix of polysilicon TFTs.
We did first a chromium deposition and patterning, then we deposited PECVD
silicon oxide,
etched via-holes through oxide with BHF and in the end another chromium layer.
When we tried to do some electrical measurements we found out that everything
was isolated!
We discovered that wet etching of silicon oxide on top of chromium turns this
one into
chromium oxide, which is insulating and very hard to scratch.
Please, does anyone know how to remove this layer of chromium oxide?
We would like to recover this circuit somehow!
We can do wet and dry etching (CF4, NF3, Ar RIE, O2, H2)
Thank you very much in advance!
Ing. Paolo Tassini
Centro Ricerche ENEA
Via Vecchio Macello, s.n.c.
80055 Portici (NA) Italy
tel. +39 081 7723289
fax +39 081 7723344
e-mail [email protected]