Hello Christian
A good compilation of SU-8 properties can be found at:
The datasheets on Microchem's website give skeletal processing rules etc
that you can follow.
SU-8 is a good negative resist for high aspect ratio applications.
Using DRIE you can get almost vertical sidewalls.
A few papers that I found useful are listed below:
"High Aspect Ratio Ultrathick Negative Tone Near UV photoresist for mems
applications" - Despont,Brugger et al, IEEE 1997
"The Optimization and characterisation of Ultra-thick photoresist films"-
Flack et al SPIE 1998
"Micromachining applications of a high resolution ultrathick photoresist"
- LaBianca et al , J.Vac Sci Technology B, 1995
"Negative photoresists for optical lithography" - Shaw et al , IBM jrnl..
"Taguchi optimization for processing of EPON Su-8 resist" -Eyre et al,
IEEE 1998
Also read the two papers on improving process capability of SU-8 on the
Microchem website.
Hope this was useful.
Warm regards,
Samir Kagadkar
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 [email protected] wrote:
> Hello Lists,
> I was just wondering if anyone can help me with some info on SU8.
> Best Regards,
> Christian Antonio
Samir Kagadkar
Junior Undergraduate Student,
Deptt. of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay