Hi Mark,
You can use a mirror finished nickel substrate. But I believe you will have
to spend some time in optimizing the SU 8 process on a nickel substrate. But
the time spent on polishing a nickel substrate I guess, would pretty match
equal the time for depositing your metal seed layer. If processing time is
all that you are concerned about, then the ideal thing is to obtain polished
nickel substrates.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Leonard [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 3:59 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] Conductive substrates for processing SU-8
Hello all,
I am currently using the UV-LIGA process with SU-8 to fabricate metallic
MEMS devices as part of my PhD work. Since my devices are removed from the
substrate after fabrication I use the cheapest wafers possible, onto which I
deposit a conductive seed layer by chemical vapour deposition to form a
plating base. I was wondering if anyone has experience using a suitable
conductive substrate which cuts out the need to deposit the conductive seed
layer and hence save on processing time. I have noticed that SU-8 does not
adhere well to some surfaces such as copper. I have also noticed that
substrates which do not have a mirror finish result in poor quality
features, presumably because of scattering. It would be much appreciated if
anyone has any suggestions on potential conductive substrates that I can try
for my process.
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