Have a look at Upchurch scientific www.upchurch.com , they have
microfluidic connectors with adhesive on them.
>>> [email protected] 2/25/2004 10:44:48 AM >>>
Hi, Robert!
You could attach a tiny thermoplastic tubing by e.g. UV adhesive and
sucking the air out, you use a heated plier to simultaneously cut and
The smallest tubing of this kind I have seen so far was 250um internal
diameter, 350 external.
-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]Im Auftrag von
Robert Dean
Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Februar 2004 22:09
An: General MEMS discussion
Betreff: [mems-talk] Microfluidic interconnect
I need an interconnect for a silicon microfluidic device that I can
pull a
weak vacuum on, then crimp the interconnect closed and remove the
source (tubing) and still maintain a weak vacuum inside the
device. Does anybody have a suggestion on where I can obtain such an
interconnect or nozzle, and then attach it to my silicon microfluidic
device? The diameter of the hole in the silicon substrate that the
interconnect attaches to is approximately 80um. Thanks.
Robert Dean
Research Associate IV
Center for Advanced Vehicle Electronics
Auburn University
200 Broun Hall
Auburn, AL 36849
Voice: 334-844-1838
Fax: 334-844-1898
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~deanron
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