We have tried both methods and found both techniques to give the same release.
But have chosen the fluorosilane method because it is less expensive and
requires less maintenance on the ICPRIE.
Shane McColman
Research Professional
NanoFab, University of Alberta
W 1-028 ECERF Building
Edmonton AB, Canada, T6G 2V4
On March 23, 2004 10:45 am, Alik Widge wrote:
> --On Monday, March 22, 2004 3:12 PM -0800 Phillipe Tabada
> wrote:
> > Hi Yonduck
> >
> > You can use the STS to deposit a teflon like layer to help you peel
> > PDMS off the substrate. Usually a two minute run of only passivation
> > gases using
> > the standard recipe should be sufficient for your needs. The layer
> > should last you for about 5-10 runs before you need to remove the layer
> > and redeposit the coat. You also need to recondition the STS chamber
> > after you
> > run this process.
> Phil,
> Are you certain about this? I have tried this myself using the CMU Nanofab
> STS, and I was not impressed by the performance of that passivation layer
> as a release agent. I found that I got much better performance by coating
> my molds with a fluorosilane from United Chemical Technologies (put a few
> drops in a vial, put vial and molds in standard lab dessicator and connect
> to house vacuum, wait an hour or two).
> Alik Widge
> Doctoral Student
> MEMS Laboratory
> Carnegie Mellon University
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