Hello Dr. Bondavalli,
Are you getting any bonding on the wafer at all?
What size wafers are you bonding?
What percentage of the wafer is covered by Au?
Are you bonding Au to Au or Au to Si?
Do you have a barrier layer behind the Au?
Are you using an SB6 or SB8?
If you are getting no bonding at all there are several things that could cause
the problem and need to be narrowed down.
Please feel free to contact me in the USA or Margarete Zoberbier in Germany.
Brad Johnson
Suss MicroTec
Applications Engineer
[email protected]
Margarete Zoberbier
[email protected]
>>> [email protected] 04/20/04 10:34AM >>>
Hi all MEMS experts!
We are trying to perform thermocopression bonding using Karl Suss Wafer
bonder and I'd like to compare our data..
We would like to try to bond two wafers where we grew, using
electolitique growth, some Au "pillars" of different dimensions :
100X100µm², 150X150µm², 200X200µm².
The pillars thickness is around 2µm.
I used a recipe which reaches a temperature of 350°C applying a pressure
of 5 bars but it doesn't work.
The two wafers don't endure to the dicing process.
Do you think that the problem is related to the process for growing the
Is the e-beam better that electrolitique growth?
Or is simply a question of temperature?
thank you very much for suggestions.
Dr. Paolo Bondavalli
R&D MEMS Engineer
Domaine de Corbeville,
Route Departementale 128
F91404 ORSAY
Tel : 01 69 33 08 63
Fax : 01 69 33 08 62
Email : [email protected]
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