A broad band visible / IR scan with a spectrophotometer will also give you
the thickness. The membrane will act as an etalon and give you a spectrum
which is modulated by alternating maxima / minima due to interference within
the Si film. Plotting the wavelength of adjacent maxima and minima
(y-abcissa) versus and arbitrarily assigned integer corresponding to each
maxima and minima, will yield a straight line of slope 1/4nd, where n is the
refractvie index and d is the thickness of the film. The methos only works
well over spectral intervals where n is relatively constant (i.e, there is
relatively constant optical absorbtion). The refractive index n, can be
obtained from the literature.
Other techniques which may work for you are ultrasonic velocimetry,
elipsometry etc.
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Stas
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:26 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] Thickness Measurements of Silicon Membrane
Attn: To all it may concern
Dear Sirs,
Thickness Measurements of Silicon Membrane
We are here in Microsense, Israel are dealing with medical application. One
of the basic parts of our system is Silicon membrane with following
On the recent part of our development we need to measure the membrane
We would be very obliged if you could advise us any type of measurements
which can be done for this purposes.
Yours faithfully,
Stanislav Lokchine,
Microsense CardioVascular Ltd
Phone: +972-3-644-84-48 ext. 112
Fax: +972-3-644-45-69