Hi Serhan
Have you considered how complete your bonded area is ,
maybe there are some air bubbles included which will result in the
release of some of the PZT dice causing havoc with the blade etc.
Try bonding the PZT to the carrier using a double side tape Revalpha or
Rexpan, ideally in a vacuum to avoid any chance of voids.
Use an EVG 501 bonding tool if you can get your hands on one.
See EVGroup.com
>Hi All,
>For an ultrasonic transducer I need to dice 0.5mm thick PZT plates. We
>have K-S 7100 dicing saw.
>I used to partially cut PZT (less than 0.5mm) using basically a silicon
>blade (S1235) at 0.5 inch/sec cutting speed, smoothly without any
>Now I am trying to cut all the way through PZT bonded on a silicon die
>(using super glue). So I am after slightly cutting into silicon. The
>problem, however is that diced PZT pieces do not remain intact, and
>gets detached from silicon.
>The problem I think is mostly due to weakness of the bond between PZT
>and silicon.
>On the other hand, I am still wondering if I am cutting too fast and
>shearing the pieces more than enough. I appreciate if anyone can share
>his/her experience on this issue or recommend me a suitable dicing
>recipe (blade type, cutting speed and RPM speed of the blade) for PZT?
>Serhan Ardanuc
>Cornell University
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