Hi Gabe,
I would suggest to add a thin layer of SiO2 on your Si wafer. This should solve
your problem if all of your SU-8 processing steps are correctly optimised to
your lab. environment.
>>Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 17:31:43 -0400
>>From: Gabriel Dagani [add >>to address book]
[protect or block sender]
>>Subject: [mems-talk] SU8 Adhesion to Si
>>To: [email protected]
>>Reply To: General MEMS discussion >[email protected]>
>>I am working on a process which involves multiple >>layers of
photolithography. After the first bake, I >>have problems with the adhesion of
the SU8 to the >>silicon. I heard that microchem has a adhesion >>promoter... is
there any other way?
>>thanks - Gabe
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