Hello all,
I put gold on photoresist and I want to etch that gold in my process. I used
the KI/I2/H2O solution but it seems to attack my photoresist since I'm not
able to take it off after the etching. I tried HCl:HNO3 3:1 but it severely
attacks my nickel structures.
Is it normal the KI solution do strange things on photoresist?
Is there any other gold enchants that is selective on nickel?
I could use any other metal than gold that is selective on nickel but it
needs to don't crack on baked photoresist (95°C) in an oven.
Thanks for any help
Patrick Poissant
M.A.Sc. Student
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1
patrick.poissant at usherbrooke.ca
Sherbrooke Microelectronics Research Group
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert