What are your process conditions? Do the wafers need to electrically
insulated from each other? What are the maximum temperatures to which they
can be exposed?
Aaron M. Cooke
Engineering Technician 2
WTC Microfabrication Lab
Tel: 206.221.6845
Email: [email protected]
Web : http://microfab.watechcenter.org
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Tombros"
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:24 AM
Subject: [mems-talk] Wafer bonding
> I need to bond together three 4" silicon wafers on which MEMS devices are
> located. I am thinking about using glass frit techniques. I have wafer
> background, but have not done bonding before. I will need a bonder. Does
> anyone have a bonder they love, that they could recommend me to buy? Has
> anyone used a foundry for bonding that worked out well? Thanks!
> Andrea Tombros
> PCB Piezotronics
> 360-391-0863
> [email protected]
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