Su-9 2025 is 69% (wt/wt) solids, while the SU-8 2002 is ~40% solids. Therefore,
to match the SU-8 2002, you'd need to dilute 100g of SU-8 2050 with 72g of SU-8
thinner (make sure it is cyclopentanone, and not GBL, which will cause a shift
in your results). For a 1.7 µm coat, you'd probably be safe with 75-80 g of
Best Regards,
Chad Brubaker
EV Group invent * innovate * implement
Technology - Tel: (602) 437-9492, Fax: (602)437-9435 e-mail:,
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-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Yeswanth Rao
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:01 AM
Subject: [mems-talk] SU 8 Photoresist
Dear All,
I would like to use SU 8 photoresist to get a uniform coating of 1.7
micron on Si and Si/Cr. I have SU-8 2025 photoresist and SU 8 thinner.
Would it be possible to use this thinner to reduce the viscosity of the
2025 resist to get down to 1.7 micron thickness? If that is possible,
would anyone be able to able to guide me as to what should be ratio of
this mixture to achieve this thickness. Thanks in advance
Yeswanth L Rao
Graduate Research Assistant
Micro/Nano Fabrication Laboratory
Driftmier Engineering Center
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
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