If you are using a high-density etching system such as ICP or ECR-RIE, then
S1818 should be just fine as long as you keep the power levels low enough.
For example, on ICP-RIE we have found that maintaining induced bias below ~
100 V with ICP coil power at 300W is acceptable for about 5 minutes of
etching (S1818 spun at 5000 RPM, I'm unsure as to thickness). Also CAIBE
works quite well.
The photoresist does become difficult to remove after this process. You can
try an O2 descum prior to soaking in acetone, or just soak in boiling
acetone for a long time. Alternatively, we have found that a brief clean in
Pyrhana solution works very well (it won't attack any AlN but could harm
other features that you have, such as specific metals...).
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Yeswanth Rao
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 4:01 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] AlN dry etching
I would like to use a chlorine based dry process to etch Aluminum
Nitride (170nm). Can I use photoresist (S1818 or any other kind) as the
etch mask? Any information in this regard will be greatly helpful.
Thank you.
Yeswanth L Rao
Graduate Research Assistant
Micro/Nano Fabrication Laboratory
Driftmier Engineering Center
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
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