I've seen previous posts regarding the attack of Aluminum by common
developers. I am using a bilayer resist for lift-off which is S1813 on
LOR-5B. I need a chemical that can strip the LOR-5B without damaging the
After metal deposition (which includes Al), I do the lift-off with Acetone
which works just fine. Now I need to strip the LOR-5B. I can use the 319
developer to etch LOR-5B but it is TMAH-based and thus etches the Aluminum.
Typically, I have a very thick edge-bead of LOR-5B which requires several
minutes of soaking in 319 dev. to remove. This seems to really degrade the
Aluminum layer.
What can use I use to strip LOR-5B without damaging the aluminum layer?
Will NMP attack the aluminum?