Dear friends,
I am doing a theoretical study of the piezoresistive effects for the
pressure sensor.
I want to have a table of piezoresistive coefficients for all crystal
axis. Where can I find them. I don't have this book semiconductor
sensors edited by S.M.Sze.
Also when calculating the piezoresistive tensor will the values vary
when the crystal axis of stress and the crystal plane in which the
stress is applied changes. if so should I calculate the tensor matrix
for each and every axis.
I have also read through non linear effects of the piezo coefficients.
Each paper specifies non linearities for some axis.Where can I get the
non linear effects for all Crystal axis
and finally one curious question. In all the paper researchers are
specifying that mostly p-type silicon is used as the primary sensing
element. Can you please tell me is it due to Farbication process or
signal processing conditions.
Thank You
Allwyn Boustheen