Message: 1
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 10:10:28 -0700
From: zhiyanl
Subject: [mems-talk] Metal Lift-off
To: General MEMS discussion
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Dear friends:
I got a trouble when doing metal lift-off with very small feature size. I
deposited Ti/Au on the patterned PR and then tried to lift off. The feature
size if about 8~10um. But even i soaked it in the acetone for very long
the PR still can't be stripped off. It seems the metal not only covered the
top of the PR but also the side wall. I am wondering if you have any idea
suggestions on how to strip off the PR.
Thank you very much.
The problem could due to the profile (|\_) of the photoresist if you used
normal photolithography. If so you could try image reversal so that you
could have a good profile(|/_), so that the metal film will be discontinuous
at the PR edge as shown in the parenthesis.
Good luck,
Yuanfang Gao
ECE Dept.
Univ. of Missouri-Columbia