Dear MEMS-talk-listers,
My provider ran in to a probem when
etching Cu(2000nm)/W(100nm)/Si(base).
Using APS-100 (Transene recipy) every-
thing was destroyed when etching reached
the Cu-W interface. Is this due to gal-
vanic effects ????... I double-checked
and APS-100 has the following spec.'s:
2500 nm/min (Cu)
0 nm/min (W)
I am evidently puzzled how Cu was
destroyed due to W, since APS-100 has
a rather const. appetite for Cu anyway.
Should they use something else ?
What if we use Ti(100nm) as adhesion
layer to the Si-substrate ? (Or Cr ?)
What etchants combination should be
used ?
Any advice greatly appreciated !
With many thanks,
Octavian Dima
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