A fluid by definition will not have a bulk modulus
since it will deform instantanuously and irreviersibly
when exposed to a shear. It will however, have a
viscosity which determines how much it will deform
when exposed to a shear. If it is viscoelastic it will
have both a storage (elastic) and loss (viscous)
--- "Nathan L. Tyson" wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I am using Gelest PDMS (trimethylsiloxy terminated)
> Silicone Oil (5cSt.)in
> my research and have been unsuccessful in locating
> an estimate (or better
> if possible) of the Bulk Modulus of this oil (not
> crosslinked, but rather
> BM of material in liquid form). I assume that this
> property is temperature
> dependent, and if so, could you give me an idea of
> how radically its value
> varies with temperature? I am using it at 20C and so
> the BM at this temp
> would be most useful. Thanks for your time and
> assistance. I look forward
> to your response.
> Cheers,
> Nathan L. Tyson
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