Hello all,
Does anyone has experience on measuring the resonance frequency of
laterally actuated MEMS devices? I've been trying to detect the resonant
frequency (blur envelope technique) of the structures and my setup seems
not to work.
I applied a sine wave 40 V peak-peak plus a dc bias of 60 V to the
actuation combe fingers using an audio amplifier; The sensing combe was
kept at constant dc bias of 60 V and the signal amplified, converted into
a voltage and read out with the oscilloscope. I couldn't detect any signal
or image bluring. Also, increased the amplitude of the sine wave (till
approx. 100V) but still couldn't detect any signal or image bluring on the
fingers; Can you please send any tips related to the use of the "blur
envelope technique"? I highly appreciate any help you could give on this
Thanks very much,