On Jan 28, 2005, at 8:12 AM, Amani Salim wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I think this question was posted in MEMS discussion quite some times
> ago,
> but anyway,does anyone have a suggestion on how to avoid sticking of
> to a silicon mold after it is cured?
We have successfully used either:
1)a brief CHF3 plasma treatment of the micromachined silicon surface in
a small RIE chamber. This deposits a thin "teflon-like" polymer release
layer, or
2) treatment by putting the silicon wafer in a dessicator next to a
small beaker containing a few drops of
tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydooctyl)trichlorosilane. Pump on the
dessicator with a small lab pump. Let sit in the vapor fro 10 minutes.
-Jim Beall