>I am working extensively with electroactive polymers for space
>applications and I was wondering if anyone knows of any R&D work in the
>area of magneto-active polymers. My website is:
It is not a polymer, but we recently did some work with magneto-rheological
materials. We put the material in thin PVC tubing and could dramatically
change the material properties by putting it in a magnetic field. A
master's student did the work as part of an MS thesis and she will be
presenting a paper on it at the SAMPE conference in Aneheim later this
year. We wanted to get to the point of applying it in actuator
applications but spent most of our time characterizing the behavior. If
this is anything in line with what you are looking for, let me know and
I'll send you a copy of the paper.
Larry L. Howell
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
Phone: (801) 378-8037
Fax: (801) 378-5037