Have you tried laser ablation to form the channels? Depending on the
geometry and surface finish that you need this may be a way to create the
channels you need without having to use a complex etch process. If you are
intersted contact me.
Dick Toftness
Xsil, USA
>From: Harry Lockwood
>Reply-To: General MEMS discussion
>To: [email protected]
>CC: [email protected]
>Subject: [mems-talk] Deep etch of microchannels
>Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 14:29:17 -0500
>Our processing contractor has been having problems getting controllable
>results in etching high-aspect channels through Si wafers using an STS
>machine. Channel dimensions are typically about 25 um diameter by > 300 um
>We are getting a "wine-glass" shape in the cross section. Many parameter
>changes later, the effect persists. Si loading of the sparse pattern,
>etch/passivate cycle changes, wafer backing, power levels have all been
>modified, to no avail.
>Anyone seen this effect? I'd be most appreciative for any insights.
>Harry Lockwood
>[email protected]
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