Dear MEMS Researchers:
My name is Frank Boehm,(mechanical designer) and I have a few questions,if
you wouldn't mind:
1)I was wondering just how small one may go with (for instance) a gauge
piezoresitive pressure sensor while still retaining a reasonable pressure
range detection capacity?
2)Is it possible to pro-rate the silicon die size and diaphragm thickness
as scaling down proceeds, and would there be a reference/guide available
that might contain this data?
3)What optimum configuration of electronic leads would typically emanate
from such a device and from where (e.g just from the Wheatstone Bridge?)
4)What has been discerned to be the optimum diaphragm shape in your
experience? (round, square, rectangular?) Have ovoid, triangular, hexagon
diaphragm shapes ever been attempted?
Many thanks for any elucidation on these issues!
All the Best,