Hi there folks...
I have a question with regard to spinnning on thin (~10 micron) layer of
I have previously spun on layers ~100 micron thick. But I recall that even
that required fairly high RPMs on a standard spin coater. I also came
across some article that mentioned that using 8000 RPM to obtain 40 micron
thick layers.
I wonder if any of you have been able to spin on the thicknesses that I am
looking for (~ 10 micron). Does making modifications like using high
temperatures and/or certain solvents help ?
Also, since we are looking to create (what essentially boils down to) a
very thin shim around an area of interest, we are also open to using other
materials - provided they can be bonded to another similar surface. I'd
welcome any suggestion on this point, too.
Thanks in advance
~Shramik Sengupta