The nomenclature is similar to MicroChem's - e.g. the last digits are
the nominal coating thickness at 3000rpm. Hope this helps.
Formulation % Solids
SU-8 2000.2 6.8
SU-8 2000.1 3.8
Lee Pang
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Jiang Ziling
Subject: [mems-talk] Su-8 thickness below 1um?
In the next few days I will be trying to dilute Su-8 2025 with the
Su-8 2000 thinner, both supplied by Microchem. I wish that at a
sufficient dilution ratio the spin-coated film thickness can be as
little as 200nm. I don't know if this is possible. I will calibrate
films of different thickness of AFM. I hope this thin film can be
coated, patterned, hotbaked and used as a permanent passivation layer
to protect magnetic sensors from microfluidic liquid flow. The reason
why I try this is that it really takes trouble and time to find SiO2
deposition facilities in our lab. If anyone has experience of making
submicron Su-8 films, please leave valuable advice! Thanks a lot.