If I may make a presumption about your goal, have you considered SAMs?
Various silanes with teflon-like functionalities are available, like
OTS. These can be dip, spin, or vapor-coated. They form monolayers on
H-terminated surfaces, so they would work very well on Pyrex.
Annealing them causes bonding between the silanes, resulting in a very
stable coating.
Philip Choi * PhD Candidate * Electrical Engineering * University of
> From: Marco Doms
> has anybody tried to deposit polymers in an AOE chamber (Advanced Oxide
> Etch, STS)? We have C4F8, C3F8, CF4, H2, O2, Ar, N2 and He connected to
> the chamber and want to deposit Teflon-like PTFE layers on Pyrex. In
> the
> ASE chamber (Bosch process) layers can be deposited at 1 micron / 5
> min,
> in the AOE the deposition rate is only around 10% of that. We do not
> want
> to contaminate the ASE with too much polymer and therefore need to use
> the
> AOE instead.
> Has anybody tried this before and can suggest a set of parameters to
> start
> from?