1. look up " chapter 4, Capacitor sensors in Vol. 7, Mechanical Sensors" of
the Series "Sensors--a Comprehensive Survey" published by VCH in Germany,
2. Check with Ms. Huang,Guojeng of your University, Electronics Department,
under Prof. C hang, Guo-ming. The CP-10 circuit can be usaed ---But it is
patented circuit.
Wen Ko
> Recently,we will design an accelerometer.In our opinion , we
> want to use the method of "capacitive detection" to sense its
> G value. Does anyone know that if we want to sense the value correctly,
> how about the range of capactiance value?
> About pF(10^-12) or fF(10^-15) or others.
> Thank you very much!!!!
>Yu-Chern Lin
>Electrical and Control Eng.
>National Chiao-Tung University,Taiwan
>E-Mail:[email protected]