You can try attaching the piece to an XYZ manual stage and machine using a
high speed Dremel with dentist's diamond bits.
-----Original Message-----
From: Alderete, Michael
Subject: [mems-talk] Mechanically machining thick [~4 mm] Silicon.
Does anyone have experience with the mechanical machining of thick
[approximately 4 mm thick] Silicon?
The finished part will be about 1.40 inches square and is about 0.150 inch
thick [3.81 mm]. I'd like to use primarily mechanical tools to drill and
route the part, such a grinding tools, and will probably not use etchants,
FIB, etc., to form the features.
The only holes on the part are two slots, 0.062" [1.57 mm] wide by 0.087"
long. All machined features on the part are planar, except for 4 beveled
facets at 45 degrees.
We'd like to start with a 4 mm thick wafer, preferably 111 orientation.
Any advice on machining tools, techniques and providers would be