There are very economical methods for adhering samples to substrates
that are used in scanning electron microscopy labs. You might consider
looking at one of the electron microscopy supply houses such as Electron
Microscopy Sciences, Ted Pella, SPI, Fullum, or Ladd for a solution.
Scott D. Walck, Ph.D.
Technical Director
South Bay Technology, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: xiaoyu
Subject: [mems-talk] better substrate contact
It seems from etching experiments (in di capacitive plasma
chamber), that I am not making good enough contact between
the substrate and the bottom electrode plate. Is there a
economical feasible way for doing so?
I think that using an adhesive might be a good idea to stick
the wafer directly to the aluminum electrode plate. But it
has to be both thermally and electrically conductive,
although electrically is more important. And it will has to
be able to withstand the high temperatures of the plasma (not
sure what the range is). Any recommended products to try?