Hi, I have a bit of experience with RF magnetron sputtered ZnO. If you want, you may have a look on some of our papers : "Deposition, evaluation , and application of sputtered zinc oxide films", B. Wacogne, M.P. Roe, and C.N. Pannell, Article Invité, International Journal of Optoelectronics, Vol. 10, No 1, pp. 9-18, 1995. "In situ measurement of zinc oxide thin film thickness and optical losses", B. Wacogne, C.N. Pannell, M.P. Roe, and T.J. Pattinson, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 67, No12, pp. 161-163, 1995. "Effective piezoelectric activity of zinc oxide films grown by RF planar magnetron sputtering", B. Wacogne, M.P. Roe, T.J. Pattinson, and C.N. Pannell, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 67, No 12, pp. 1674-1676, 1995. At 03:27 23/06/2005, you wrote: >I would like to make a film of ZnO to test a chemical sensor. I do not >know much about sputter deposition, but I am working with a colleague to >use his chamber for sputtering. He has DC magnetron to sputter metals, but >he is not familiar with sputtering insulators. So I thought maybe we can >sputter metallic Zn in small partial pressure of oxygen. Does anyone have >experience with this? Or to recommend references on this type of deposition?