Hi, I am not sure I understand you clearly but I tried before to spin
PDMS on Si molds. If you use TMCS or any kind of silanization, you can
easily detach your thin film PDMS. If your thin film PDMS is on the
order of 10um, it is going to be a very thin membrane and you will not
be able to detach in a single piece. You can put a thick PDMS on it
after plasma treatment and yoy can easily detach it from your
substrate without breaking.
I hope it works for you.
On 6/24/05, [email protected] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone has experience casting thin films of PDMS by
> clamping down the mold in order to get a film that is as thick as the features
> on the mold. If so, does anyone have suggestions/tips on removing the film
> from the mold once it's done? I've been having trouble with tearing the film
> as I try to peel it off by hand.
> thanks,
> Joe Grogan
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